Tuesday, March 28, 2006


This is the blog of Erik and Ahram. I'm still trying to figure out you can have multiple users on the same email address, I suspect you can't. So I'm posting as the root user, this metamorphic conglomerate being known as erikahram.

Anyway, we have a rival "online journal" as it were at erikahram.livejournal.com.

Perhaps I should set up a vote, on both sites, for people to choose which they'd prefer. Do you think the livejournal voters would vote for livejournal, and vice-versa? Is that the correct way to say vice-a-versa.. vis-a-vis.. viversiviervia? That's probably it.

Another page constructed by mostly me resides here.

Jimmy jommy jammy ja-jar.


So, it's time for me to leap up and start my day. Get ready for... .. . LEAP -- ~~ ~~ ing.


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